Please contact Veronica Hernandez at 925-285-2945 or email at for availability or questions.

  • Plant Medicine and Integration

    In my work I use active imagination—Jung’s arts-based method for tapping into the natural healing function of the psyche. Drawing on his theories regarding integration through the arts, my aim is to help my clients make the unconscious and its symbols available for conscious analysis. Using the arts (Movement, painting, writing, etc.) as a way of realizing the thoughts, images and symbols that come to us on our inner journeys can help make them more accessible to us, so that we can work with and integrate them.

  • Spiritual Coaching

    Our culture, with its emphasis on consumerism and constant outer activity is directly implicated in our collective loss of connection to the sacred. Healing comes through slowing down, taking a deliberate and conscious approach to our inner world, contacting those parts of ourselves that have been either damaged or neglected, and reintegrating them holistically. In this way, the path to healing can be conceived as an initiatory act of reclamation of our neglected, lost, or scattered parts.

  • Chakra Dance

    My practice draws on the Shipibo and wider Andean traditions of Peruvian shamanism, Jungian theory and eco-therapy practices. The traditions I work with define health as a state of balance between spirit, soul, and body, where the sacred, the psyche, and the physical dimensions of the individual are harmonized through consciously engaging in practices that can help connect us to the natural world in a way that evokes its sacredness.

    “If shamanic cure involves ecstasy, it is precisely because illness is regarded as a corruption or alienation of the soul”

    —Mircea Eliade


Veronica Hernandez received her degree and license in clinical psychology in Peru. She works as a spiritual counselor and shamanic practitioner in the U.S.  She received her clinical training at the Institute of Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York, under the supervision of Dr. Albert Ellis. She was assistant professor at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and research assistant at the Hospital Psiquiátrico Noguchi de Lima (Peru). In the United States, she worked as a Social Services Clinician at John Muir Health Hospital’s Inpatient Psychiatric Adolescent Unit, California. She completed her doctoral degree at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, where she carried out research on the healing and transformative benefits of entheogens, especially Ayahuasca.