Let’s Connect.

Making contact is what we’re all about…

If you have questions, would like to collaborate, or want more information about one of our events, please reach out to us!  We’d love to hear from you.

Lunar Light Submissions

To submit artwork, photography, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, articles, essays, etc. for consideration for publication in Lunar Light journal, please submit directly to moonblossomcollective@gmail.com and include the words “Lunar Light” in your subject line. We accept all genres and mixed modes of art for consideration. Please send text in DOC/DOCX format and images in JPEG or PNG format. We accept reprints and simultaneous submissions; if submitting a reprint, please note what journal your work first appeared in. All copyright is retained by the writer/artist. Our current response time is 1 - 3 months.

General Queries

Please use our contact form for general queries/communications. Looking forward to connecting.