Lunar Light

Journal of Arts and Literature

Image of Moon

Reflections, illuminations, insights, and fanciful ponderings for your delight.

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Moon Blood: Art by Bhavana Gesota
Poetry & Art Moon Blossom Coordinators Poetry & Art Moon Blossom Coordinators

Moon Blood: Art by Bhavana Gesota

“Between the black and white,
Lie a multitude of colors.
Refracted through the prism of—
thoughts, feelings, emotions.
Leaving the prism
To dissolve into nothingness.
Into the black.
Rendering the story irrelevant.
What remains is the outcome,
to be felt.
​Welcome to my color palette.”

—Bhavana Gesota

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The darkness in you will begin to glow, and you will see clearly... If you will light your lamp you can gaze far over the ocean and even embark on it. Sitting in your chair you can travel farther than ever...
— Candle of Vision: Inner Worlds of the Imagination, A.E.
Artwork by Sarah Burkle

Art by Sarah Burkle