One More Time, S.L. Hamrick

Can I hold you one more time

before the day your grown.

And tell you that I love you

even though you’ve always know.

I’ll help you count your little toes

and then I’ll teach you math.

I’ll wash your lovely hair again

before you take a bath.

Let me help you up the hill,

pretending you can’t climb.

And read you bedtime stories

while you’re young and have the time.

Let me hold and comfort you

when something makes you cry.

And wipe away the silver tears

that rest below your eye.

Too soon you’ll go and find your path,

so let me tie your shoe.

I always long to be a part

of the little things you do.

I wish for you to live your dreams

whatever they might be.

And when when you look upon yourself I hope

you’ll see a part of me.

Remember, whether you are close at hand

or we are far apart,

I may not hold you in my arms

but I’ll always hold you in my heart.

Sandra Hamrick: After a thirty-year professional career in technology, sales, and marketing, and raising three daughters, Sandra retired, leaving the SF Bay Area. She now resides in Southern California with her husband and five furry friends. Although writing was often central to her career, it was not the type of writing she longed to pursue. Her first love of fiction and poetry was sidelined for those years. Now, time permitting, she writes about life’s universal challenges and experiences – its pleasures, hardships, meaning and absurdity. “When you read something I’ve written, I hope you laugh, are moved to tears, feel boundless joy, or perhaps are touched by sorrow – to bring to light some aspect of living that touches your soul.” —S. L. Hamrick


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