♫ Co-founder Katrina Sings Her Heart Out ♫

It's Christmas time!

Moon Blossom coordinators are having holiday cheer as co-founder, Katrina Stuart, sings her heart out in a soulful rendition of Adele's “All I Ask” ♫

Katrina Stuart continuously seeks truth to help others heal and live life to its full potential. She holds a core belief that anyone can grow in a positive direction when embracing the proper tools and remaining open-minded. Her focus includes holism, nutrition, hydration, light, movement, compassion, and love, as well as engagement in meditation, sound healing, reiki, medicine journeys, and shadow work. In 2023 she helped co-found Moon Blossom Collective, which she envisions as a safe space to honor all the knowledge gained through her own experiences by proving insights and tools to others who are seeking a holistic approach to better their lives.


Poetry & Art by Sarah Burkle


Life Lived: Poetry by Sarah Burkle